
While we are known to many as the regional food bank, we are also acutely aware that the collection and distribution of food will not solve hunger. In the past decade, we have spent a considerable amount of time and energy developing innovative programs that address the root causes of hunger.

Food Access. Food Literacy. Career Empowerment. Our mission is to end hunger, but our overarching goal isn’t to “feed the need” in our communities. We aim to “shorten the line” with upstream approaches to address food insecurity. Learn more about the many programs we offer that help drive change and build healthier communities, which complement the work we do as a food bank to ensure no one goes hungry. 




items were purchased at the Curbside Market! Our mobile market makes it easier to purchase healthy, affordable food for you and your family. 


pounds of food harvested from the Foodlink Community Farm! Foodlink staff and volunteers also grow food at the Foodlink Community Farm that supports our Curbside Market, Community Kitchen and Nutrition Education programs.


meals and snacks delivered by our Community Kitchen team! We distributed more meals than ever to kids in our community and created new partnerships on a regular basis in 2024. 

Community Café

The Community Café provides training opportunities for Foodlink’s culinary apprentices and delicious food for the public.

Curbside Market

Foodlink’s mobile market links communities in Rochester and the surrounding area to fresh, affordable food. 


The Foodlink Career Fellowship is a one-of-a-kind culinary training program that creates a pathway to prosperity for individuals with barriers to sustainable employment. Fellows accepted into the program go through an intensive, yearlong curriculum that includes both classroom and hands-on training within Foodlink’s state-of-the-art commercial kitchen, and will graduate into middle-skills careers in the regional food industry.


The Foodlink Community Farm is a 1.6-acre urban agriculture campus located between the Edgerton and Lyell-Otis neighborhoods of northwest Rochester. The farm consists of a large community garden for many resettled refugees, a commercial growing operation, and public pocket park and play area. 


Foodlink is a trusted community resource for nutrition education, which includes workshops and educational opportunities designed to be accessible and engaging. Participants are empowered with the tools and knowledge to make healthy choices and  useful for participants seeking to make healthier choices and improve their culinary skills.


The Foodlink Community Kitchen prepares thousands of healthy meals each day for Rochester students, day cares and other community-based programs. We pride ourselves on an innovative, 6-week menu that exceeds all federal nutrition guidelines. 

Pop-Up PANTRies

Foodlink Pop-Up Pantries bring emergency food relief to parts of our service area that have limited access to traditional food pantries. Foodlink collects and safely stores food donations, and we rely on dozens of community partners to recruit volunteers and host distribution events on a monthly or bimonthly basis. Visit our “Find Food” page to learn more.