Alumni share their experiences with the Foodlink Career Fellowship

Four alumni of Foodlink’s culinary apprenticeship, the Foodlink Career Fellowship, share their stories about the program and their career paths after graduation. Thank you to KayJona, Bre, Charnel & Chauncy for your dedication and hard work! (March, 2024)
Voices from Foodlink’s network

In 2023, we interviewed several representatives from Foodlink’s network of food pantries and meal programs throughout our 10-county service area. Hear about the collective impact of our work! (January, 2024) Video credit: Oh!Davidson Creative.
How volunteers help support Foodlink’s mission

Hear from a couple of Foodlink’s “core” volunteers, and one local organization that gives back time and time again to help Foodlink end hunger and build healthier communities (January, 2024). Video credit: WROC Creative Services.
Launching culinary careers through the Foodlink Career Fellowship

Six years after its launch, Foodlink staff and Foodlink Career Fellowship alumni reflect on the impact of New York’s only cook apprenticeship program. (January, 2024) Video Credit: Fish & Crown Creative.
Growth at the Foodlink Community Farm

One of this year’s ‘Nourishing Lives’ television special segments focused on the future of the Foodlink Community Farm — a vibrant growing space in Northwest Rochester. (January, 2024) Video credit: Oh!Davidson Creative
Volunteering at Foodlink: Safety Orientation

Thank you for volunteering at Foodlink! Your safety is our top priority. We ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines during your shift in our distribution center.
‘Dignity and respect’ at the Foodlink Community Café

Learn more about the Foodlink Community Café in downtown Rochester, and how it helps prepare culinary apprentices for their new careers, and serve a diverse customer base inside the Central Library (115 South Ave.). Video credit: WROC-TV Creative Services
Welcome to the Foodlink Community Café!

“Food should taste good, and do good” … that’s the mantra of the Foodlink Community Café! Our nonprofit café helps train culinary apprentices for their new careers, and offers an amazingly delicious menu inside our downtown library location. Stop by soon! 115 South Ave. Rochester, NY — — Video credit: Partners + Napier
Foodlink, Partners Address Rural Hunger in NY

The Foodlink Member Services team and staff and volunteers from Valley Chapel Free Methodist Church in Warsaw, NY talk about how they collaborate to nourish rural communities throughout the region. Video credit: Oh!Davidson Creative
Foodlink Expands Network of School Pantries

Administrators from East High and Greece Central Schools join Foodlink’s Joshua Wilcox to discuss the importance of school-based pantries in the Rochester area. Video credit: Oh!Davidson Creative.