Dozens of Rochester shoppers gained tips on how to maintain a healthy diet on a tight budget thanks to another successful Cooking Matters at the Store event July 22 at the Price Rite on Driving Park Avenue.
More than 100 people — some shopping solo, others with children in tow — signed up for the store tour, which featured stops at four learning stations: Produce, Protein, Dairy and Grains. Nutrition educators from Foodlink, Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York and the Cornell Cooperative Extension all provided tips on comparing unit prices, reading Nutrition Facts labels and more. Foodlink partners with MVP Health Care for the event, and participants walk away with a $5 gift card, a free reusable bag and a recipe book.
The next event day will be held in September during Hunger Action Month. Stay tuned for the exact date, time and location. To learn more about the program, visit Foodlink’s website or cookingmatters.org.