Today’s drive-thru food distribution at the Public Market marked the 500th such event since Foodlink’s COVID response began last March.
That’s 500 distributions in 334 days across our 10-county service area.
What strikes us about this milestone is not so much the number — but the collaboration required to reach this point. Local governments, schools, churches, nonprofits and volunteers united together — whether it was 90 degrees or 19 degrees — with a common mission of feeding our neighbors.
The Public Market deserves some extra kudos for its role throughout this crisis. Today’s distribution, held in collaboration with Ibero-American Action League, Action for a Better Community, and the City of Rochester Public Market, was the 33rd event at the market — by far the most of any host site. It’s impossible to list out every single community partner we’ve connected with along the way — just know we appreciate all of you for the critical role you’ve played in helping us serve others with dignity.
THANK YOU for your support and partnership!