Did you know that Wayne County were its own state, it would rank fourth in the NATION in apple growing?
Data from the latest U.S. Agriculture Census (2017) was released this spring, and our neighbors to the east in Wayne County made some impressive gains as the state’s epicenter of apples. There are 23,685 acres of apple farms in Wayne County, which makes it the third-highest apple producing county in the country. That’s an improvement from the last Census, in which they ranked fourth.
Unsurprisingly, Washington leads the country — by a wide margin. New York is next in line, followed by Michigan, Pennsylvania and California. Wayne County accounts for nearly half of all apple farm acreage in New York.
Check out the charts below for the top 5 states and counties for apple farm acreage, as of 2017:
Washington 179,899
New York 50,450
Michigan 38,563
Pennsylvania 22,513
California 13,637
Yakima WA 58,670
Grant WA 51,093
Wayne NY 23,685
Okanogan WA 15,856
Adams PA 13,160